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Initiatives created by the Task team.
1 Award
Sustainable Development Goals - Share your activities!
UN SGDs: 03. Good Health
Activity: Exercised
Demonstrate teamwork at home
What activity did you do to encourage teamwork?: By helping in every activities
What are the age groups of the individuals involved in the activity?: 13-21 years
Encourage corporate social responsibility
How did you support this company?: By supervision
What is the name of the company you supported?: Korsvic solutions
Where is this company located?: Tarkwa, Ghana
Demonstrate teamwork at home
What activity did you do to encourage teamwork?: By doing house chores together with my family
What are the age groups of the individuals involved in the activity?: 13-21 years
Gender equality starts at home
How did you support gender equality in your home?: Because everyone has the right capabilities
What was the age group targeted? : 3-12 years
Be more active
What did you do to be more active? : More health more wealthy
What is the name of the gym, park, or location where you did this activity? : National park
How long did you engage in this activity?: 3 hours
1 Award
2. Update profile > IMPACT token Airdrop!
Greetings!: I am very thankful to all of you for bring me a part of this community 💝💝💝💝
Profile updated?: Yes
Take re-usable bags to the store
Where did you purchase your re-usable bag?: Clandy's Grosir Buleleng-Bali
Where did you use your re-usable bag?: I always take it every time I shop anywhere to bring the things I buy
Teach your native language to immigrants
How did you help immigrants learn your native language? : i m teachin their childeren
Who was the partner for the activity?: common people
What was the age group targeted?: 3-12 years
How many people did you help? : 25
Make time for yourself and your friends
What did you do to spend time with friends? : Share opinion, kidding, happy laugh, eat and drink with friends.
How often do you spend time with friends? : Weekly
How much time do you typically spend with friends each week? : 3 hours
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